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ancestors, essay, inner peace, journal, peace, tape -

As a professional athlete the practice of reviewing the 'tape' is of utmost importance for improvement. It allows one to analyze actions, identify both his/her mistakes and successes in a given play. Interestingly, this approach can also be applied to our everyday lives. Imagine the possibility of observing ourselves from an objective perspective, detached from our own subjectivity. What valuable insights could we gain from such a recording? Journaling serves as a powerful tool for self-reflection, akin to having a personal tape of our experiences. By documenting our thoughts and experiences, we create a means to review and learn from our own life's...

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beach, essay, journal, OZC, peace, sounds, writing -

Journaling at the beach can be a deeply rewarding and rejuvenating experience. The beach provides a unique and beautiful setting that can inspire the senses and stimulate the imagination. By combining the practice of journaling with the peacefulness and beauty of the beach, you can create a special space for reflection, creativity, and self-discovery. One of the key benefits of journaling at the beach is the opportunity to connect with nature. The sound of the waves, the smell of the saltwater, and the warmth of the sun can all help to calm the mind and alleviate stress. The beach can...

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big kids, essay, inner peace, journal, meditation, new day, peace -

The past couple weeks has presented yet another round of mass shootings.  Mass shootings continue to plague the United States, leaving a trail of devastation and sparking widespread debates. While the reasons behind this trend are multifaceted and complex, it is crucial to highlight one of the root causes. Mental health problems affect individuals worldwide, yet the United States faces particular challenges in terms of access to mental healthcare and support systems. Insufficient mental health services and stigmatization of those seeking help can contribute to a higher risk of violence. By comparing countries with stronger mental health support systems, it becomes apparent...

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born free, essay, inner peace, journal, peace, salt water -

As I reflect on my past and contemplate our future, let us look to the vast expanse of the ocean as a symbol of our journey. It is a gateway to our origins, and a path towards our ultimate destination - our home. In reconnecting with nature, we rediscover our inner peace and our true selves. We must reject violence and embrace the higher calling of peace, which requires a deep sense of humanity. In the face of adversity, we must not stoop to the level of those who would seek to harm us. Instead, we must rise above them and...

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ancestors, beach, big haiti, earth day, essay, gentrification, little haiti, new day, salt water -

As Earth Day approaches next month, I find myself thinking about how I can truly rest in peace knowing the world my sons will probably live in.  A new show on Apple TV explores some of the possibilities of what that may look like in sunny South Florida.   Extrapolations is a new Apple TV+ series that explores the possibilities and consequences of emerging technologies.  One of the standout features of Extrapolations is its ability to blend science fiction and reality seamlessly. Each episode presents a scenario that feels both futuristic and grounded in the present. From the dangers of deepfake...

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